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Sairama's Shop

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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Er verbs present tense question answer practice

Er verbs present tense question answer practice

A practice on answering yes / no questions with -er verbs in the present tense This practice is ideal for Spanish 1 students as they learn to answer yes / no type questions A structured template is given to students to write their answers There are 8 questions total Verbs included: comer, aprender, correr, beber, vender, leer, comprender, romper Answer key is included For each question follow these steps: Fill in the subject (person) and verb conjugation of the question and the subject (person) and verb conjugation of the answer Answer each question first with a sí (yes) and then with a no (no) Pages 1-4 are the questions, pages 5-8 are the answer key
Ar verbs present tense question answer practice

Ar verbs present tense question answer practice

A practice on answering yes / no questions with -ar verbs in the present tense This practice is ideal for Spanish 1 students as they learn to answer yes / no type questions A structured template is given to students to write their answers There are 8 questions total Verbs included: hablar, cantar, practicar, bailar, patinar, ayudar, tocar, mirar Answer key is included For each question follow these steps: Fill in the subject (person) and verb conjugation of the question and the subject (person) and verb conjugation of the answer Answer each question first with a sí (yes) and then with a no (no) Pages 1-4 are the questions, pages 5-7 are the answer key
Go verbs matching practice

Go verbs matching practice

A matching practice with the conjugations of -go verbs Verbs included: hacer, poner, salir, tener, venir, oir, caer, traer, valer There are 26 conjugations total Answer key is included
Er and Ir verbs preterit original sentences

Er and Ir verbs preterit original sentences

ER/IR verbs preterit original sentences (regular verbs) Create 10 original sentences with -er and -ir verbs in the preterit tense using a different subject and a different verb for each sentence from the list below. Choose 5 -er verbs and 5 -ir verbs. Begin each sentence with a different clue word (ayer etc) from the list below. Write your sentences in the template. Add at least 5 to 6 words to make your sentence longer. Sentences must be 7 words minimum excluding the clue word. Post the word count at the end of every sentence.
Er and Ir verbs present tense original sentences

Er and Ir verbs present tense original sentences

ER/ IR verbs original sentences present tense (no collaboration / no translators) Create 10 original sentences with -er and -ir verbs in the present tense using a different subject and a different verb for each sentence from the list below. Choose 5 -er and 5 -ir verbs. Write your sentences in the template. Add at least 5 to 6 words to make your sentence longer. Sentences must be 7 words minimum. Post the word count at the end of every sentence.
Practice reflexive v non reflexive verbs

Practice reflexive v non reflexive verbs

A worksheet to practice the differences between reflexive and non reflexive verbs There are 26 sentences total. Answer key is included In the first blank write R if the sentence is reflexive or NR if it is not reflexive. Then, conjugate the verb in the present tense and include the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) only if the verb should be reflexive. _______ Yo ____________________________ a las seis de la mañana. (despertar) _______ La madre ________________________ a su hijo a las siete de la mañana. (despertar)
Ar verbs preterit  original sentences

Ar verbs preterit original sentences

Ar verbs preterit original sentences (regular ar verbs) Create 10 original sentences with -ar verbs in the preterit tense using a different subject and a different verb for each sentence from the list below. Begin each sentence with a different clue word (ayer etc) from the list below. Write your sentences in the template. Add at least 5 to 6 words to make your sentence longer. Sentences must be 7 words minimum excluding the clue word. Post the word count at the end of every sentence. A list of verbs, subjects, and clue words is provided for students This is a good structured practice for students to write sentences as they are being introduced to the preterit tense.
Ar verbs present tense original sentences

Ar verbs present tense original sentences

Original sentences with -ar verbs present tense Create 10 original sentences with -ar verbs in the present tense using a different subject and a different verb for each sentence from the list below. Write your sentences in the template. Add at least 5 to 6 words to make your sentence longer. Sentences must be 7 words minimum. Post the word count at the end of every sentence. A list of ar verbs and subjects is provided for students This is a good activity for Spanish 1 students to write sentences as they are being introduced to the present tense. This activity can be used as classwork, homework, or part of your sub plans.
Worksheet tener que and ir a infinitive

Worksheet tener que and ir a infinitive

For each of the situations below, write 2 sentences using tener que + infinitive / ir + a + infinitive by choosing the appropriate answer from the word bank below. Use the same answer for tener and ir. Be sure the write the appropriate conjugation of tener and ir in the spaces provided. There are 10 situations total. Answer key is included Word bank hacer la tarea / limpiar la casa Mi profesora da mucha tarea / Yo Tener: Yo ____________ que ___________________________ Ir: Yo ___________ a __________________________________ Answer Yo tengo que hacer la tarea Yo voy a hacer la tarea
Regular preterit personal questions

Regular preterit personal questions

A practice with personal questions using regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs in the preterit Students will compose 10 original information questions and answer them with the guidelines provided Rewrite each question and conjugate the verb in parenthesis in the preterit. End every question with a clue word (ex: ayer) from the list below. Answer each question in a complete sentence in Spanish. Verbs included: hablar, comer vivir, comprender, ayudar, escribir, despertarse, desayunarse, compartir, caminar Example ¿Con quién (hablar) tú en la clase _________________? Q: ___________________________________________________________________ A: ___________________________________________________________________ Students can also do the questions orally with a partner and as a follow up activity, answer them afterwards for classwork or homework. This practice can also be used as part of your sub plans.
I-Y preterit verbs practice

I-Y preterit verbs practice

A practice on i-y spelling change verbs in the preterit Verbs included: leer, caer, creer, oír (4 total) -uir verbs: huir, destruir, construir, influir, concluir, incluir (6 total) Part 1: Conjugate the 10 infinitives in the 3rd person singular and plural in the preterit Part 2: Re-write each question by conjugating the verb in parenthesis in the preterit and then answer the question in a complete sentence
Reflexive verbs personal questions

Reflexive verbs personal questions

Answer each question in a complete sentence using the template provided. All questions are information questions and cannot be answered with a yes or a no Notes on subject pronouns and reflexive pronouns are provided prior to the personal questions There are 14 questions total Verbs included: despertarse, lavarse, ponerse, desayunarse, vestirse, afeitarse, cepillarse, pintarse, secarse, acostarse, cortarse, banarse, sentirse, sentarse The structured template should make it easy for students to learn how to answer personal questions with reflexive verbs
Indicative subunctive v infinitive worksheet

Indicative subunctive v infinitive worksheet

A worksheet to practice the difference between present subjunctive, indicative (present tense), and infinitive This is a good structured practice as students are being introduced to the differences between subjunctive, indicative, and infinitive Complete each sentence using the indicative (present tense), present subjunctive, or infinitive, as indicated in parenthesis. (infinitive) Yo quiero _________________ en español. (hablar) (subjunctive) Ud prefiere que yo _______________ papas fritas. (comer) (indicative) Dudo que ella _____________ bailar el tango. (saber) There are 24 sentences total. Answer key is included.
AR verbs personal questions

AR verbs personal questions

A practice with 20 yes or no personal questions with -ar verbs in Spanish Students can do them orally in pairs or they can write them out after practicing orally This practice is ideal for Spanish 1 students as they are learning how to conjugate -ar verbs Verbs included: hablar, cantar, bailar, ayudar, practicar, llevar, estudiar, buscar, patinar, dibujar, celebrar, mirar, trabajar, ensenar, nadar, comprar, llegar, tomar, escuchar, conversar Ar verb endings and question/answer chart (If the subject of the question is tu, answer with yo etc) is included for reference. Note: The questions do not link to any particular theme or vocabulary
Imperfect and preterit practice

Imperfect and preterit practice

Preterit imperfect practice Complete the fill in the blanks using the preterit and imperfect tenses. Use the hint given in parenthesis (ex: completed action) and decide if the verb should be in the preterit or imperfect. Use the notes below as a guide. There are 24 fill in the blanks total Notes on the list of uses of preterit and imperfect are included prior the practice Answer key is included
Imperfect preterit  original sentence completions

Imperfect preterit original sentence completions

Sentence completions with preterit and imperfect tenses (no collaboration or on-line translators) Complete each sentence by conjugating the verb in the preterit and imperfect tenses as needed and then add 3-4 words to compose an original sentence. Vary your sentences (do not use the same words over and over) There are 26 sentences total. Regular, irregular, stem change, and reflexive verbs are included Examples (hablar) Ayer yo hablé ________________________________________ pero todos los días yo ________________________________________________ (escribir) Un día tú ______________________________________ pero cada día yo escribía_______________________________________________ This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, test prep or as part of your sub plans
Present perfect reflexive verbs

Present perfect reflexive verbs

A worksheet to practice reflexive verbs with the present perfect tense. Part 1: Conjugate the 16 reflexive verbs in the present perfect Part 2: Answer the 10 personal questions in a complete sentence Answer key is included for part 1 only
Preterit imperfect matching practice

Preterit imperfect matching practice

A matching practice with the conjugations of preterit and imperfect tenses (a combination of regular, irregular, spelling change, and stem change verbs) There are 26 verbs total. Answer key is included.
Present tense questions paragraph regular verbs

Present tense questions paragraph regular verbs

Students will complete 3 paragraphs by answering personal questions with regular verbs in the present tense. There are 6 verbs per paragraph. Paragraph 1 (AR verbs) hablar, comprar, buscar, estudiar, mirar, bailar Paragraph 2 (ER verbs) aprender, comer, beber, vender, leer, comprender Paragraph 3 (IR verbs) abrir, escribir, recibir, vivir, asistir, compartir Note: The paragraph does not link to any particular vocabulary or theme This practice can be used as a bell ringer, exit pass, classwork, homework, or quiz
Reflexive verbs conjugation practice

Reflexive verbs conjugation practice

This is an open ended worksheet to practice conjugating reflexive verbs in the present tense. Students will be given a list of regular reflexive verbs and stem change reflexive verbs. They will choose 4 regular reflexive verbs and 4 stem change reflexive verbs and conjugate them for all 6 persons A structured template is provided for students for conjugating the verbs.